Long Tail Books

The Long Tail book by Chris Anderson explains the phenomenon of the business economics of the Long Tail, where businesses such as Amazon, Google, and Netflix thrive. It is well worth the read. Alternatively there is the original Wired article about Long Tail article and the Long Tail Blog. Also see the Wikipedia:Long_Tail article.
The Google Story: Inside the Hottest Business, Media, and Technology Success of Our Time is an interesting read which documents the history of Google. It even mentions Craig Nevill-Manning a New Zealander who created Google Products.
Finally, I also read The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture which was also good but not as good as the other two. It details the histories of other search based companies as well. The Google story is told better in the other book. This book is slightly long
The theme of these books is a look into how successful companies are making money on the Internet using the Long Tail concept.
If you had to choose one book to read I would read the Long Tail book.